The Pine Mountain Lake Men’s Golf Club (PMLMGC), is an organization of properly handicapped golfers, that helps improve the quality of play and increases interest and pleasure in playing golf at the Pine Mountain Lake Golf & Country Club. The club is a non-profit organization and is registered with the Northern California Golf Association (NCGA).All male persons who are currently property owners, or male family members, in the Pine Mountain Lake development or who are employees of the PML Association may become members upon payment of the annual dues of the club. Applications for membership shall be in writing. Current application forms and associated fees are available online (see link on this web page) or by contacting the Handicap/Membership Chairman at membership@pmlmgc.com For information about the club’s events throughout the year go to www.pmlmgc.com
PMLMGC is also a member of the Southern Valley Seniors (SVS) golf organization which allows its senior (at/over the age of 50) members to play some of the nicer country club courses in the vicinity. To learn more about SVS, check their info here. |
The Board
The Pine Mountain Lake Men’s Golf Club has a seven member board. to get more information on the board.
View a copy of the Pine Mountain Lake Men’s Golf Club bylaws.